When people think about being a good soccer player, they tend to talk about an individual’s abilities. What most people forget is that for any individual at any level, being a good soccer player starts with being healthy and eating right.
Fruits and veggies are nature’s superfoods. They nourish the human body on every level! They are loaded with a lot of volume, and not a lot of calories – so a little bit goes a long way.
The body needs an adequate intake of dietary protein to make and repair cells and to support normal growth and development. Protein is found in a number of different types of food. When considering a source of protein, it is important to look at the whole package. Choosing more lean sources of protein will limit saturated fat intake and decrease a person's risk of heart disease. Examples include fish, poultry, lean cuts of beef, soy foods; also quinoa, nut butters, egg whites, oatmeal, and sunflower seeds.
Known as ‘brain food’, omega 3 fatty acids are found in many sources, such as fish oil, almonds, pecans, walnuts, flaxseed, and olive oil.
Proper hydration curbs cravings, gives consistent energy, aids digestion, and is the best thing to drink during a practice or game.
In just one 20 ounce bottle, there are 242 calories. 3500 calories equals one pound, so by consuming just one of these bottles every day over the course of a year, you are adding 25 pounds to your body! If you want to gain weight, there are a lot of smarter and healthier ways to do it.
Products that contain refined sugars often include candy, regular soda, syrups, table sugar, cakes, cookies, pies, sweet rolls, pastries, fruit drinks and dairy desserts. Because so many convenient foods include added sugar, any packaged or restaurant food that contains sugar could be considered a refined food.
Artificial sweeteners may save you calories but there is strong evidence that they promote hunger and increase your appetite--so you many end up eating more food throughout the day. Studies show that artificial sweeteners stimulate high insulin levels in the blood which promote storage of body fat.
Artificial food coloring may make food/drinks look appetizing, but these synthetic ingredients often take the place of nutrition in foods. For example, fruit juice that contains colors is typically devoid of any fruit, making it artificially-colored sugar water. Worse than that, many food colors are linked to hyperactivity disorders and cancer.
If it comes from a can, a box, or out of the freezer and gets thrown in the microwave then it more than likely is no good for you at all. Foods that have an exceptionally long shelf life and that can sit in your pantry, cupboard or freezer for a really long time without ever going bad should make you think twice about what it will do to your body. Processed foods include and are not limited to: cakes, candies, soda, bread, instant oatmeal, Twinkies, top ramen, mac n cheese, cereal, chips, crackers, anything fast food, etc.